About » Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Daily School Attendance Is Important!

Students who attend school regularly are more successful, both academically and socially, than those with many absences. We ask that you read the following information carefully so that you will be aware of both district and state attendance requirements. When a student is absent, his/her parents or guardians are required to telephone the school (554-2251) on the day of the absence to verify their nonattendance. Students who arrive at school anytime after 7:35am must report to the office to sign in. Students who are habitually late to school will lose their opportunity to be excused. Students who have three consecutive unexcused absences or five days of un-excused absences in any semester or seven unexcused school days in any school year, whichever occurs first, will be considered not attending school as per Kansas Law 72-11139c. Students who are less than 13 years of age will be reported to Social and Rehabilitation Services. Students who are more than 13 years old but less than 16 will be reported to the appropriate county or district attorney.


Log on to the USD 261 Web Site: www.usd261.com to view your child/children’s current grades, daily assignments and attendance records. Did you know? You also have access to the same information your child does on a daily basis. When you log onto Powerschool you can read the HMS Daily Bulletin to be informed about activities and current events taking place at school. You also have the ability to check on their lunch account balance and fees due. Don’t forget to log on to www.usd261.com for a wealth of district news.

District Calling System - Regroup Mass Notification

Haysville Middle School and USD 261 utilizes an internet based notification system to contact our students‘ parents/guardians regarding school cancellations, important dates and activities taking place at HMS. It is one of our main means of communication. Through Regroup you will receive phone calls, emails, and text messages. Please make sure that you keep your contact information up to date with our office

Alternative Mailing List

Do you share custody of your child? To have a copy of your child’s report cards and monthly newsletters sent to an alternate address, please notify the school office in writing. Just request that we add your name to our secondary mailing list.

Be a School Volunteer

We are always looking for school volunteers. Please call the school if you are interested in becomng a teacher helper, tutor, field trip monitor, etc. We do have to run a background check on all school volunteers. Please see the application and guidelines below.

Inclement Weather Procedures

When inclement weather causes the school to close, it will be announced between the hours of 6:00am and 8:00am on local radio and television stations. USD 261 will also use the internet based calling system "Regroup Mass Notification" to notify parents/ guardians. However, our system is only as good as the information that you have provided us. Please keep demographics up to date with the school office. All scheduled extracurricular and cocurricular school activities will be cancelled on days when school is closed.

Emergency Safety Interventions Policy

Kansas regulations now require that we provide all parents with notice of policies regarding Emergency Safety Interventions (ESI). The State of Kansas policy is available on our website and in our student handbooks. In addition, we will provide a copy of the policy at any time upon request. Get Kansas policy here

Safety Feature at HMS

At HMS, we secure 100% of our doors during the school day. The doors will be unlocked at 7 AM daily for students to enter the building and resecured at 7:35 AM. Now located at both sets of handicap doors (east & west side) and at the main east entrace by the gymnasium, a camera and buzz-in calling feature has been installed. Once school is in session, to enter the building, a patron will need to go to one of these three entrances, buzz the office for approval to enter and the door will be remotely unlocked. This is not an attempt to discourage parents or patrons from visiting HMS; it is simply an attempt to better ensure the safe and orderly provision for our students while in attendance at HMS.
The mission of Haysville Middle School, in partnership with the greater community, is to challenge and empower all students to become lifelong learners and contributing citizens in our changing world.

Shared Beliefs

  • All students can learn regardless of previous performance or personal background

  • All students have the right to learn without being disrupted by others

  • Communication is an essential part of the educational process

  • Student self-esteem can and should be enhanced

  • Students should learn to work cooperatively

  • All students have the right to learn without being disrupted by others

  • Students share in the responsibility for their own learning and actions

  • Education is a collaborative effort among the student, school, family and the community

  • All cultural and ethnic groups will be recognized and treated equitably

  • All students will be provided with educational opportunities needed to reach their full potential

  • Extra-curricular activities play an important role in the educational process

  • Learning is a life-long process; and high expectations are the basis for a strong educational system



7:25 AM - 2:50 PM


7:10 - 7:25 AM

During 5th hour:
10:59 AM - 12:29 PM